Tuesday 23 July 2013

Job Satisfaction - Key to Work Life Balance

Image courtesy of freedigitalimages.net
People often don’t recognise that their work life balance is out of kilter until they experience the negative effects that working too long can bring.

Job satisfaction is one of the keys to a better work life balance, so how can you ensure that you get fulfillment from your work? Studies have shown that trouble at work is more likely to be brought home than the reverse. So it’s important to get the work part right.

Make sure your work is aligned with the values that you hold dear.  A mismatch between values and roles will eventually diminish any enjoyment you get from your job. Things may start off ok but if you carry on working against your principles you will become stressed and unproductive leading to even less job enjoyment.

Variety is the spice of life – and never is this truer than of your work. Adding a little variety into your working day will ensure you don’t get bored and complacent with your job.  Doing the same thing over and over will make you feel like you are on a hamster wheel – you keep on running but never getting anywhere. Altering your routine every now and then will help to keep things fresh.

Feedback from a boss or colleague can be very motivating. Positive feedback is great, but even if it is negative you will be able to find ways to improve and develop yourself.

The appropriate amount of responsibility for your job role can really add to the satisfaction you derive from it.  However it can be a fine balance, too much and you will feel stressed, to little and you will become bored and unmotivated.  Ask your boss for more responsibility if you feel you can handle the challenge.

Apart from the obvious reward of salary, benefits such as education and training, opportunities for promotion and self development can make a job very rewarding.

We spend a large proportion of our 168 hours a week at work so it is vital to ensure that as far as possible it is a job we like and enjoy. 

Ask yourself if you are in the right job –  if the answer is no, think about how you can rectify that.    

Caroline Love

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